Alicia Keys is featured in the June issue of W magazine. In the interview Alicia shares her journey to present her true self to her audience from the onset. Alicia Keys landed on the scene with her debut album “Songs in Minor” 10 years ago in June. The album has since sold 11 million copies and earned Alicia five Grammy’s. But the accolades didn’t come without a fight. Alicia tells W,
“I just wanted to be who I was, which was like so many other girls I knew. We grew up in the city, had a hard edge and obstacles to overcome, but we were still young and beautiful. I didn’t want to be all dressed up, all made up–I wanted to be myself, which hadn’t been done before.”
“I was a young girl with very strong ideas but no experience. I just knew that everything else I was doing was wrong–that all the suggestions weren’t what was in my mind, they weren’t what it was meant to be.”
“How terrible would it have been if I had come out with some watered-down version of who I am? People fell in love with the real me, and I still feel blessed that that was how the journey began.”
Alicia Keys’ fans can also say the same. Side note: We’re in love with Keys’ fresh black and white head shot.