Simon Cowell Announces Paula Abdul As Final Judge For X Factor

X Factor creator Simon Cowell has finally ended months of back and fourth of is she or isn’t she with his judging panel for the US version of X Factor. Simon landed his first judge, former CEO of Island Def Jam, L.A Reid. Since L.A came on board, Simon has gone through Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, Jessica Simpson and others as potential judges. In the end, Simon’s judging panel will include himself, L.A Reid, former American Idol judge Paula Abdul and co-host Nicole Scherzinger and Steve Jones. Paula Abdul was literally signed hours before production began.

Simon tells US Weekly about his decision for Paula,

“This show would never have been the same without Paula and I can’t believe I am saying this, [but] I have missed her a lot, and I am thrilled she’s on the show,”

Paula shares her enthusiasm saying,

“I am excited beyond words to be a part of The X Factor. I couldn’t be happier to bring my love for cultivating talent and performance to such a wildly anticipated show. I’m also delighted and grateful to be sitting next to Simon again…but you might want to check back with me in a week or two!”

It appears Paula Abdul’s soft yet slightly crazed demeanor on American Idol rubbed the blunt/straight talking Simon Cowell the right way. Get ready for talent shows year round!

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