Nicki Minaj Promises To Help Flood Victims In Her Home Country of Trinidad: ‘We Will Get Through This’

Nicki Minaj is helping her fellow Trinidadians trapped because of flooding.

Earlier this week, the New York rapper took to social media and said she’s been in touch with Trinidadian soca artist Fay-Ann and will let everyone know just how she’ll help.

Nicki Minaj Pledges to Help the Flood Victims of Trinidad


“Trinidad, I am working on getting many different resources to you now,” tweeted Nicki. “Fay-Ann and I have been communicating non-stop. I will let you know exactly who I’m donating the funds to and hope to be with you very soon. I Love you. We will get through this.”

Fay-Ann responded and said the “Barbie Dreams” writer truly loves her country and is constantly checking in to see how people are doing.

“Thank you @nickiminaj for the deep concern for your fellow Trinis,” she wrote. “We know your love for home is real and you staying in contact daily shows it. We are definitely appreciating your generosity. We had a great walkabout today, and both @bunjigarlin and I are 100 percent with you.”

She may not speak about it much, but Nicki has been involved in quite a few charitable causes and has reportedly given millions.

For example, she gave money to build a well in India so the locals could have clean drinking water,” which she let people know about in 2017. 

Nicki has put her money to good use domestically too because earlier this year she gave 37 students college scholarship in her “Student of the Game” program. And even before that she paid off a few students’ loans and other expenses out of nowhere.

In regards to Trinidad, it sounds like Nicki will be making a visit there soon, to possibly survey the damages and provide some positive morale.

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