The beloved animated show on Cartoon Network, “Teen Titans Go!” has a movie coming to theaters “Teen Titans Go! to the Movies.” The movie includes musical artists like rapper Lil Yachty making a cameo appearance.
“Teen Titian Go! to the Movies” follows the “Teen Titans Go!” characters Robin, Starfire, Raven and Cyborg in their quest to find a popular Hollywood director for their big break.
The movie features other DC comic characters alongside the Teen Titans. Green Lantern is to make an appearance voiced as Lil Yachty, and Wonder Woman voiced by singer Halsey. Superman pops up and is played by Nicholas Cage.
Executive Producer of the film Sam Register said, “Every superhero in the DC Universe has an impact on the fans, so we felt a great responsibility to find a voice for each character that would not only suit the role, but the playful tone of the Titans, and we’re thrilled with our cameo cast.”
A very excited Lil Yatchy made and Instagram post regarding his upcoming role. “So Go See It Soon As It Hit Theaters!”