Steve King Gets Dragged For His Hypocrisy In Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Politician Steve King, like everyone else, tweeted a very inspirational quote by Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday for what would have been the activist’s 89th birthday.

What took people by surprise, however, is King’s often conflicting views with nearly everything MLK stood for. Such as his tweet saying “diversity isn’t our strong suit.” King famously wondered out loud what ‘sub-groups’ besides whites made contributions to civilization. Thankfully, Twitter keeps receipts and they were gladly yanked out to remind King that his views and MLK’s do not align.

Former TV One host Roland Martin accused King of trying to pimp MLK. He tweeted, “Here’s a perfect example of a GOP politician trying to pimp MLK. This man would despise EVERYTHING he stood for. Steve King, don’t quote MLK again.”


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