Angela Rye Shows Extreme Restraint Debating CNN Guest Claiming #FreddieGray ‘Jumped Around’ in Van

On Wednesday’s edition of “CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin,” commentators Angela Rye and Scottie Nell Hughes spar over the announcement that Baltimore prosecutors will drop the charges of the remaining officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray.

In the clip, Rye says that the nation has a inherent issue where the Black body is constantly demonized and criminalized in referenced to Gray.

Her conservative counterpart says that Gray was responsible for his own death and that he “jumped around in van.” Then Hughes goes on to state that Gray’s mother was not on the DNC stage last night proving that the officers were in the right.

In their heated debate, Rye says that Black people are tired seeing Black people being brutalized by police. Many people have had enough.



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