This is the Most Comprehensive Analysis on Why African History is Suppressed Throughout Academia You’ll Hear Today

British poet and writer Anthony Anaxagorou discusses why Europe is so vehement about suppressing Black history even though Europeans benefited from African scholars and the rich history of academia on the continent.

The poet describes how European philosophers like Plato, Socrates and Herodotus were taught by Africans and how Africans indirectly and directly civilized Europe. The video showcases the academic cognitive dissonance at work.

Anaxagorou says this about the suppression of African scholarly contributions:

“If you accept that a group of people were responsible for your ascent into history or what is known as civilization, then how the hell can you justify enslaving them? That is part of the problem. You’ve enslaved, you’ve tortured, you’ve committed innumerable amounts of genocide on the same people who put you in the position you are in.”

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