Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget

Our family of five is full of three “little people” who every Fall happen to send us to the poorhouse based on their needs for school. Each year the school supply list gets longer, the uniform policy seems to get more expensive, and our household budget seems to shrink. We especially seem to feel the tightness when it comes to Back to School Shopping.

My preteen wants the new expensive clothes while his school supply list reminds me of what is expected in a college classroom. My two toddlers are growing like weeds.  And many times I’m having, not only, to buy new uniforms, but their supply lists are exhaustive as well.

Here are some ways to keep your school shopping on the economic side.

  1. Buy clothes off season. Even though school starts in the Fall, I always try to buy clothing ahead of time—especially when items are on clearance. For example, since fall is right around the corner I buy all of the summer clearance clothes now. I buy the clothing bigger than the kid’s current size to account for growth spurts and I keep receipts in case a size is skipped over. When school is about to start, I may have to go out to buy a couple of new items and shoes, but the majority of my clothes shopping is done.
  2. Buy your school supplies in bulk when those Back to School Sales are on. Right around the beginning of August, stores across the nation start advertising ridiculously low prices for supplies. You may be able to get .10 cent folders or .50 pack of paper…

Read more: Black and Married with Kids

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