Though back to school should be exciting, parents often describe frantic mornings, hectic evenings, and plain bad memories. Homework wars, lost library books, last-minute assignments, missed buses, sleepy heads,forgotten lunches, missed breakfasts, late starts, are just a few of the common parenting concerns.
The result: stressed parents and stressed kids.
But it doesn’t have to—nor should it–be that way. There are practical solutions to the most common back-to-school and hot-button parenting hassles.
Not only will implementing these solutions help make the upcoming school year more positive and less stressful for all, but they’ll also help kids learns to be more responsible, which just happens to be a trait of successful students.
You can start making these simple adjustments now so that returning to school really is smoother and even a tad bit easier for both you and kids.
The real secret: don’t take this challenge on by yourself. Get your kids involved in identifying last year’s reoccurring problem. Believe me, they’ll remember. Then together brainstorm one simple solution that you commit to turning into a lifelong family habit. Take on only one solution at a time. Keep implementing it until it becomes a permanent family routine.
Here are the seven most common back-to-school parenting hassles and a few simple solutions to help create a smoother year.
Hassle 1. Sleepy heads (“Just let me sleep five more minutes!”)
If you recall most of last year screaming “Wake Up!” it’s time for your kids to take ownership. Buy simple-to-use alarm clocks and teach kids how to set it so you don’t have to be their “Big Ben.”
My favorite alarm for kids who are perpetually late is called Clocky. It gives your kid only one chance to get up, and if you snooze, he literally jumps off the nightstand and wheels around the room. I’m sure there are others, but I shared this one on the Today Show and both Hoda and Kathie Lee loved it.
Also start getting your kid back onto the right “time zone” at least before school starts so he can ease into that schedule.
And use that oven timer to remind procrastinators that of time constraints. When it dings, you’re in the car – whether the kid is dressed and ready or not. Seriously! That solution only takes one time! Do alert the principal and teacher of your plan. They’ll be happy to help to ensure your child is in his seat and ready to learn…
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