Halle Berry had to be rushed to the hospital on Tuesday night after being injured on the set of her latest film. The actress was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles after sustaining a head injury after a fall as she shot a scene. According to TMZ, she was vomiting after the fall, a symptom of a concussion, and was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
Her representative confirmed the hospital trip and said Berry is fine. “Halle Berry suffered a minor head injury while shooting a fight sequence on the set of her film, ‘The Hive,’” the rep said to USA Today. “She was taken to the hospital as a precaution, but she checked out healthy and was released. She’ll continue production as planned.”
This isn’t the first time the 45-year-old Academy Award-winner has gotten hurt on the job. Last year, she broke her foot while in Spain filming another movie, Cloud Atlas. She allegedly broke her foot during an off day at the zoo with her daughter. According to E! News, she slipped as she chased her daughter after the child decided to run after an animal. That injury forced her to cancel an appearance at this year’s Oscars in February.
In addition to getting scraped and bruised, she had other ups and downs this year. She had to deal with a nasty custody battle and has to pay ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry $20,000 a month in child support. Despite this, Berry got engaged to actor Olivier Martinez and the pair plan to wed in South Africa, where they met in 2010. Martinez confirmed the engagement in March, a surprise to many considering Berry had famously sworn off marriage, something she acknowledges. “I swore it off, right? Never say never, people,” she said.
There is no confirmed wedding date for the couple.