“Hit The Floor” follows the lives and loves of the Los Angeles Devil Girls, the dance team for the No.1 professional basketball team in the country. It centers on Ahsha (Taylour Paige), a sheltered young woman who joins the team against the wishes of her mother, Sloane (Kimberly Elise), who knows this treacherous, tempting world all too well—being an original Devil’s Girl herself. Olivia (Charlotte Ross) is the shrewd squad manager while Jelena (Logan Browning) is the ruthless star captain of the dance team. Pete Davenport (Dean Cain) is the former all-star who is returning to coach his old team only to contend with the girls both stealing the spotlight and distracting his players.
The cast also includes Valery Ortiz, Katherine Bailess, Jonathan McDaniel, Rob Riley and McKinley Freeman.
“Hit The Floor” Season 1, Episode 8 “Fast Break” airs July 15th at 9pm E/T on Vh1.