Trailer Released for 'Movie 43'

Movie 43 was originally titled Red Band, which, based on its first (red band) trailer, was far more appropriate. After all, the first joke is of a scatological nature generally not associated with mainstream filmmaking. And it just keeps going from there, with gags involving losing hands to robotic sex organs, a captured leprechaun (played by Gerard Butler!), and cruelty to blind children.

An anthology of comedy shorts, Movie 43 features an astonishing lineup of directors and actors. Just in this trailer you’ll glimpse Halle Berry, Emma Stone, Anna Faris, Terrence Howard, Johnny Knoxville, Chris Pratt, Kate Winslet, and Hugh Jackman, and that’s only a fraction of who will be showing up. They’re working under an interesting, diverse array of directors, as well. But the extremely dark and purposefully envelope-pushing humor is what really sells this movie. Gathering together such a murderer’s row of talent for the sake of some full-on R-rated humor raises my interest, to say the least. We’ll see how successfully it’s pulled off when the movie is released on January 25th of next year.

You can view the trailer below. Note that it is quite not safe for work, so throw on the headphones and make sure that no one is looking over your shoulder.


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