Crazed White Woman Tells Black Man He’s Lucky to be In ‘Our Country’ Instead of a ‘Dust Pool’ In Africa During Viral Racist Rant

Two TikTok videos have gone viral, featuring a white woman in a red jacket and teal shirt walking her dog while hurling offensive remarks at a Black man in the parking lot of her apartment complex.

The woman claimed in her vile rant that the man was fortunate to be in her country and suggested that without Black people being brought to the country, they would be residing in a “dust pool in Africa.”

Woman rants in viral video (Photo: screenshot/GhettoGarageTVV)

It appears that the dispute arose when a FedEx delivery woman (believed to be Black) tried to enter the building to deliver a package, and the woman intervened, accusing the delivery person of trying to sneak in, according to videos posted by GhettoGarageTVV.

The man filmed the incident and defended the delivery person, asserting that she was just doing her job. The argument escalated, with the white woman making offensive remarks about Black people, claiming they saved the man from living in a “dust pool in Africa.”

“They’re all ganging up on me,” the white woman said. The Black man replied, “Ain’t nobody ganging up on you. You know what you were doing. You were harassing that woman in between those doors.”

“You Black people,” she started, and the man recording said, “That’s your thing,” as he pointed his finger in her face. “It’s because we’re Black.”

He may have been on to something. The woman quickly shifted her shouting from explaining herself to a bigoted rant.

“You Black people have an attitude,” she said, then added, “You should be thankful to be in our country. You have a roof over your head. You have food in your mouth. You have a car to drive. You’re not living in a dust pool in Africa.”

The man asked, “So you are entitled to be in America, and I am not?”

Shocked at the question, perhaps considering that all European Americans immigrated to the country and stole land from the indigenous people here, she said “No,” before adding, “I don’t need a bunch of Black people ganging up on me.”

In another video, the woman goes on to talk about how ignorant she believes Black people are, recounting a story about a Black woman telling her that Bill Clinton slept with another Black woman to prove that she was human.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of…” she said as she unraveled before the man, who vowed to put her on social media.

After that, she mumbled something about not caring that she would be on YouTube, calling the police, the man’s “tribal pack,” and again slipped in her bit about the “dust pools in Africa.”

The clip shows that after she entered the building, she was comforted by another woman. However, in another video, the woman is seen explaining what happened to two white police officers in the building lobby. The Black man continues to follow her, recording her actions.

“You do not have my permission to film me,” she says to him in front of the cops.

The male officer intervened and said, “Hey, ma’am, you are in a public place. That’s his constitutional right to do this.”

The woman attempted to assert to the police that her residence was private, to which he responded that her apartment was private.  As they listened to her, they assured her that no crimes had been committed.

People chimed in, trying to find where this happened. The comments ranged from speculation to others saying they wished they had been there because they would have given her a piece of their mind.

However, one comment captured the gist of what the masses thought, “She has a lot of hate for Black people.”

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