‘The Height of Irony’: California Congressman Mocks Marjorie Taylor Greene After She Reminds Him of Decorum Rules In Community Hearing

A U.S. congressman reminded Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her lack of decorum during a House subcommittee hearing on July 27.

Rep. Robert Garcia called out Greene during the hearing after she called for decorum and reminded her that she shared pornographic photographs at another panel last week.

The California Democrat was sharing a blown-up tweet posted by Greene that compared mandates for vaccines and masks to the Star of David that German authorities forced Jewish people to wear during the Nazi regime when Greene interrupted him.

Robert Garcia Marjorie Taylor Greene
Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.)(L) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)(R) (Photo: @Congress.gov screenshots)

“We have seen this tweet behind us before,” said Garcia. “And this person, of course, sits on this very committee, who just actually gave some very irresponsible facts to our witnesses and the committee as well. But just like [Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.] and other conspiracy theorists, members of this committee continue and continue to attack vaccines.” 

Greene interrupted Garcia’s remarks and called for decorum.

“Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman. I’d like to make a point of order and ask the members to be reminded of the rules of decorum,” she interrupted.

The chairman of the Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, then read a pre-prepared statement on decorum, according to The Hill.

“While vigorous disagreement is part of the legislative process, members are reminded that we must adhere to established standards of decorum and debate,” said Wenstrup, an Ohio Republican. “It is a violation of House rules and the rules of this committee to engage in personalities regarding other members or to question the motives of a colleague.”

Garcia responded with a tweet noting the explicit pictures shared by Greene at a Republican-led oversight committee hearing regarding IRS whistleblowers and Hunter Biden. The photographs featured naked pictures of the president’s son performing sexual acts with a woman, and Greene stated that the pictures were “evidence of Hunter Biden making pornography.”

“Marjorie needs to remember she showed us a d—k pic last week,” tweeted Garcia.


Garcia also tweeted, “Marjorie Taylor Greene is mad that I’m showing her anti-Semitic tweets in our committee. She reminded me of the rules of decorum, which is insane considering she was showing d—k pics just last week.”

Others were equally shocked by Greene’s behavior. “Just be glad it wasn’t hers,” replied one Twitter user.

The Lincoln Project tweeted, “The GOP is getting teachers fired for teaching sex ed while the GOP shows porn on the House floor. This is what your tax dollars pay for when Republicans have control of the House.”

“Marjorie calling for decorum is the height of irony,” noted one Twitter user.

“She is literally an adult child,” added another.

“She deserves nothing. Rules of decorum my a–. She’s a disgusting slob,” another concluded.

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