‘Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya’: Meghan McCain Storms Off Set After Ana Navarro Refuses to Tolerate Her Disrespect

“The View” guest host Ana Navarro put her foot down Friday when show regular Meghan McCain got loud with her, sending the conservative co-host into a fit of fury.

McCain stormed off set after what started as a civil discussion in the latest developments in the Trump whistleblower mystery soon flew off the rails. As the hosts were addressing reports that the complaint involved President Donald Trumps secret talks with the president of Ukraine, McCain  pivoted by bringing up WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

In making her point, the Fox News alum griped that folks on the left took no issue with Assange’s leaks but are “screaming bloody murder right now about this whistleblower” and Trump.

“I think all interference from a foreign country in our election, all of it is bad and should be condemned and you can’t play party politics with this, and there’s a lot of people on the left who are doing that with Julian Assange,” said McCain. “I’m mad there are people on the left that think that Julian Assange is OK.”

(McCain’s assertion was bizarre, considering that Wikileaks and Assange were behind the damaging leaks of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s hacked emails in mid-October 2016, timed to hurt her presidential campaign just before the election she ultimately lost to Donald Trump.)

Her co-hosts, visibly confused, asked for clarity on her seemingly unrelated point.

“So who are you mad at,” Joy Behar cut in. “Are you mad at the whistleblower.”

After scolding her colleague for interjecting, McCain replied: “I’m mad that there are people on the left think that Julian Assange is okay, that he’s some  sort of patriot whistleblower.”

“If you have a problem with this whistleblower, or you think he’s a hero, then you should have a problem with WikiLeaks as well,” she added.

The hosts continued talking over one another, including Navarro who jumped into to try and make her point. A frustrated McCain, 34, then screamed, “Excuse me! Maybe I was clumsy in the way that I said it!”

Navarro, a fellow conservative, cut her eyes at her co-host and said, “you don’t have to scream at me. I’m two feet away.”

McCain claimed she didn’t hear what Navarro said, so she repeated it, drawing audible gasps from the audience.

“That’s so rude, Ana,” said McCain, flipping her hair. As Behar throws the show to commercial, McCain is seen strutting off stage.

The war-of-words garnered plenty of reactions from viewers, many of whom chided McCain for her “bratty” behavior.

Meghan McCain stormed off after @ananavarro put her privileged, insufferable ass in her place,” hair guru Elgin Charles tweeted. “The panelists need to do THIS more often! Better yet, can Ana replace ‘Me-Again’ McCain on the panel?!?”

“So Megan McCain can yell at someone but when that someone tells her not to yell at them they’re rude?! And then she has a tantrum and walks off the stage,” another opined. “Omfg why is she still on #TheView.”

One fan pointed out the irony of McCain calling anyone rude and lauded Navarro’s handling of the incident, writing: “You tell her, Ana! Somebody needs to put Meghan in her place! #TheView”

“Ana Navarro just snatched the platinum blonde wig off Meghan McCain’s empty head,” another critic jokes.

Others gladly bid the conservative co-host good riddance.
“Don’t let the door hit ya,” one viewer wrote.

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