R. Kelly Won’t Be Getting Conjugal Visits With Girlfriends Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary

R. Kelly‘s girlfriends Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary are planning to visit the disgraced singer while he’s locked up at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago. But they won’t be allowed to have conjugal visits with him.

Kelly was moved from solitary confinement to general population earlier this week after he and his lawyer Steven Greenberg complained the isolation was an unfair form of punishment.

The move will allow Kelly to now have 10 visits instead of one, which doesn’t include meetings with his attorney. He’ll be able to use email and the telephone for longer periods as well.

Plus, he’ll be allowed to go on the yard with other inmates, but none of those privileges allow him to have conjugal visits with Savage and Clary. There have also been extra security measures set up to keep the singer safe.

According to TMZ, Greenberg said the women still plan to visit Kelly soon, and they’ll continue to do so on a “regular basis.” And besides the no-sex rule, they’re also not allowed to bring him any food or snacks.

Savage and Clary will both be permitted to hug Kelly as they arrive and leave, however. But that’s it as far as the physical contact goes.

On Sept. 11 it’ll be two months since Kelly was arrested in Chicago on a 13-count federal indictment related to sex crimes that came out of the Northern District of Illinois.

He was also slapped with a five-count indictment out of the Eastern District of New York and accused of similar crimes.

Those charges are separate from the 21 counts he received on the state level out of Illinois earlier this year. Those charges include sexual abuse and felony sexual misconduct, which Kelly has pleaded not guilty to.

He’s also pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

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