‘Bye Felicia’: Tomi Lahren Gets a Reality Check After Yet Another Paltry Attempt to Attack Michelle Obama

Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren drew the ire of social media critics this week when she called herself clapping back at former First Lady Michelle Obama over comments she made about President Donald Trump in her new memoir.

On Monday, Lahren mocked Obama after the former FLOTUS revealed that she “stopped even trying to smile” when Trump was sworn in as the nation’s 45th president on January 20, 2017. Mrs. Obama wrote in her new book, “Becoming,” that the excitement from her husband Barack Obama‘s two previous inaugurations quickly faded that day.

“Someone from Barack’s administration might’ve said that the optics there were bad, that what the public saw didn’t reflect the president’s reality or ideals,” she wrote, according to an excerpt obtained by ABC News. “In this case, maybe it did. Realizing it, I made my own optic adjustment. I stopped even trying to smile.”

Lahren, a conservative firebrand, wasted no time letting her Twitter fingers fly Monday as she chided Obama for her comments criticizing the president.

“Michelle Obama wrote she was unable to put on a happy face and smile during President Donald Trump’s inauguration,” she wrote. “That’s okay … we all smiled watching you and your husband vacate the White House. Bye!”

“Michelle Obama uses her book to bash Trump and wonders why Melania Trump doesn’t want her ‘advice,’ ” Lahren added, referencing Obama’s revelation that Melania has not reached out to her since taking office, as is common among First Ladies.

“Michelle, besides ruining school lunches what did you do?” she wrote.

This isn’t the first time Lahren has taken jabs at Obama. Two months ago, she told the Harvard Law grad to “sit down” and disputed Obama’s claims that the U.S. had “a great president” under her husband.

Critics quickly jumped to Obama’s defense after Lahren’s latest attacks, slamming the conservative news host.

“Talking out of that hole in your head once again,” one critic wrote. “Michelle Obama was never upset. For what? Michelle got better things in her life to do. Melania don’t even know how to fight her ‘Cause’ because she being controlled by a ‘Bully.’ ”

“Oh Tatonka, I know you’re not familiar with the experience, but making a simple factual observation does not mean that she’s upset,” another chimed in. “I think YOU are upset that our most brilliant, beautiful, beloved, and now best-selling first lady ever happens to be a Black woman.”

Another pointed out, “1. She’s not upset, she just smiled. .. obviously you didn’t watch the interview 2. Michelle graduated Princeton & Harvard Law. Melania posed nude and gold-dug her way into the Trump tower. Michelle is the gold standard for women.”

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