Trump Calls Black Reporter Yamiche Alcindor Racist for Asking Him About Calling Himself a Nationalist

In his latest attack against the media, President Donald Trump accused Black reporter Yamiche Alcindor of asking a “racist” question during a day-after-the midterms briefing on Wednesday.

Alcindor, a reporter for PBS NewsHour, asked the president his thoughts on accusations that he’s sending the wrong message after dubbing himself a “nationalist” during a rally for Sen. Ted Cruz in Houston, Texas last month.

“There are some people that say that now the Republican party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric,” she began. “What do you make of that? Some people see that as emboldening white nationalists” — “I don’t know why you’d say that, that’s such a racist question,” Trump retorted, interrupting Alcindor. “I don’t believe it.”

The president went on to boast about his support among Black voters, claiming he has “the highest poll numbers ever with African-Americans.” A poll by published by the Pew Research Center in June told a different story, however, putting Trump’s approval rating among Blacks at just 14 percent.

“Honestly, I know you have it written down and — let me tell you, that’s a racist question,” he repeated, pointy a stubby finger at Alcindor. “I love our country  … I also love the world and I don’t mind helping the world, but we have to straighten out our country first. We have a lot of problems.”

Trump called Alcindor’s question “insulting” before moving on.

He added: “It’s a very terrible thing you said.”

Watch more in the clip below.

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