R. Kelly Accuser Releases More Details Amid Backlash

Asante McGee, one of the many women who’ve accused R. Kelly of sexual assault and abuse, has provided new details to Teen Vogue.

It’s the second time in months that McGee has given her side of things, and this time she talked more about the rules that she and other women had to follow.

Asante McGee Details Alleged Abuse by R. Kelly


“I took him very seriously. When he’s joking you know he’s joking. He wasn’t playing,” said McGee. “When he said ‘Every time a king enters the room, you stand up’ — you stand up. I don’t care if he goes back and forth ten times, you better stand up and kiss him each time he comes in and out that room.”

The divorced mother of three also talked about the house that Kelly has in Atlanta where several women live. She said he purchased it in 2016 without her knowing and one day just showed it to her. McGee also said that’s when his rules got even more bizarre.

“If we wanted to go in the hallway we knock on the wall and wait for permission,” she explained. “If I wanted to go to the kitchen I gotta knock on the wall and wait for permission or wait for someone to say come in.”

“This one time, I knocked before going into a room and nobody answered so I thought nobody was home and walked in and [Kelly] was in a corner with [a woman],” added McGee. “From then on, if I wanted to leave my room I had to text him for permission. Every day he made up a new rule.”

Elsewhere in the interview, the 38-year-old talked about how she first met Kelly at a promotional show for his Black Panties tour in September of 2013. She then reunited with the singer at another concert in Baton Rouge, La. and afterwards engaged in “groupie sex” inside a hotel room.

From there, McGee said the singer flew her all over the United States to spend time with him after concerts. But there were many instances where he’d stand her up, and she’d spend the time alone.

Some might ask why McGee would involve herself with Kelly because by the time they met, he was already steeped in controversy for marrying Aaliyah and getting in trouble for making a sex tape with an underage girl.

“There’s two parts of him,” she described. “There’s R. Kelly and there’s Robert. Going in I saw R. Kelly … I knew about the Aaliyah [marriage] which I thought was just a rumor. As far as the sex tape, I never believed it was him. I never saw the tape; I just thought it was somebody else. I just didn’t believe it.”

“I was a die hard fan,” McGee added. “As far as the cases that were settled, I never followed him to that [extent]. I learned about settlements more so after I came out [with my story]. Maybe if I had [known], it would’ve set off an alarm.”

Kelly has denied all of the allegations against him and recently responded in the song “I Admit,” which was panned by listeners.

While McGee has been getting a lot “backlash’ from fans who say“ I’m lying, I’m mad because he left me. I’m too old … I’m not his type,” she says she’s not afraid because he “needs to be stopped. He is ruining young girl’s lives. He’s ruining women period. These young girls don’t deserve that.”

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