White Shopper Blocks Intersection and Calls Police on Black Woman Over a Parking Spot

A Black woman heading to work had the cops called on her by a white woman over a parking dispute.

A video recently surfaced showing a parking dispute between two female motorists outside of Grossmont Centre mall in San, Diego California.  The Black motorist appears to have parked her car inside of a parking space that the other woman claims she was waiting for.

In retaliation, the white woman pulled her vehicle behind her. The sedan reportedly blocked an entire intersection and the woman’s car from being able to pull out of the parking lot, the Daily Mail reported.

The motorist can be heard in the video explaining, “She [white motorist] is blocking both an entrance and exit to the parking lot where vehicles had to go around and honked and even one lady got out to tell her to move and find another spot.”

In the video, the white motorist yelled “I’m talking to them” and began dialing 911.

The Black driver continued reporting how the white woman became angry and told her “that it was her parking spot and that she was waiting on it.”  She also noted claims by the white driver that she needs that specific parking space for her disabled mother.

“This lady is mad because I took her parking spot when she was over there and now she’s blocking this whole intersection,” the Black woman said in the video. She continued, “She’s calling the police because I’m parked in a public parking spot, that’s awesome.”

The motorist who was on her way to work gave an update and said the police did arrive.

“He asked me what happened and I proceeded to let him know that I pulled into a parking spot and if I could go to work,” she said. “The motorcycle cop spoke with the lady and asked her to leave and the other cop said I could go.”

The Black woman said she never saw the woman waiting for the parking space and was in a hurry for work because she was late. She added there were multiple handi-cap spaces that the white shopper could have parked in, but chose not to.


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