A heated exchange between Trump supporter David Urban and CNN host Van Jones took place on “Cuomo Prime Time” over the Philadelphia Eagles’ decision to not attend “Celebration for America”.
Members of the NFL team chose to reject their invitation to the event which led the president to cancel it once he learned only a handful of players would show up. He released the following statement on Monday:
“The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow. They disagree with their president because he insists that they proudly stand for the national anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.”
Jones blasted Trump for his statement and called it “patronizing”, while Urban who’s a rightist, faulted the Eagles for not showing up to the White House celebration.
“The Eagles chose to make this a political issue. The president invited them. They could have come down. They could have stood there and celebrated like all teams have done in the past. They chose to draw a line in the sand and not come because of what this president has said in the past because of his political views. The Eagles chose to make this a political issue, not the president,” the former Trump aide.
The moment Urban questioned the team’s patriotism, Jones lost it and said the last thing he needs is for “anybody to tell me what this flag means and what it represents.”
“It is beyond insulting, for people to lecture us about patriotism. We’ve done more. We have fought in every war. We have sacrificed more for that constitution than most people,” Jones exclaimed. “There is a level of patronizing … from this White House and from others … that somehow African Americans are ungrateful, that we somehow don’t know what this country is about.”