Couple Beats Tough Odds After Wife Saves Husband’s Life by Donating Kidney

A Dallas couple beat the odds when wife Ashley Turner donated one of her kidneys to her husband Sammy Turner. The chances of non-blood relatives being an organ match are one in 100,000.

Sammy told WFAA, that one night he woke up out of is sleep and had trouble breathing. “Me and my wife, we were sleeping. I woke up and I said ‘Hey babe, I can’t breathe,” Sammy said. Then he was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with kidney failure.

Ashley said it was easy for her to make the decision to donate her kidney to her husband, “I couldn’t imagine losing Sam. Like, what would I do? I just started thinking, I’m going to do my part, and I’ll let God do his part.”

Ashley was tested to see if she was compatible and to everyone’s surprise, she was. The Surgical Director of the kidney transplant program at Methodist Dallas Medical Center Dr. Richard Dickerman said, “It’s uncommon. Most of the living donors we see are from one blood relative to the next.”

The transplant was a success and the Turners are recovering well. Sammy said, “I’m going to get her whatever she wants, so that’s already a given, I’m putting it out there.” He continued, “I could never repay her, but I will for the rest of my life try to do that.”


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