California Teacher Accidentally Fires Gun In Classroom, Injures Student

A high school teacher at Seaside High School in Northern California accidentally fired off a gun inside of classroom and injured three students.

Reserve police officer & teacher Dennis Alexander, was demonstrating gun safety for his Administration of Justice class around 1:20 pm on Tuesday (Mar.13) when he hastened a single shot from a semi-automatic handgun into ceiling causing pieces of it to fall to the ground.

A 17-year-old boy was hit in the neck by gun fragments and suffered from moderate injuries Fermin Gonzales, the boy’s father, told KSWB.

“It’s the craziest thing. It could have been very bad,” Gonzales said. “I’m just pretty upset that no one told us anything and we had to call the police ourselves to report it.”

Seaside high school

(KSWB) Bullet debris taken from student’s neck

Alexander has been placed on administrative leave from Seaside High School and from the Sand City Police Department amid an investigation.

City Police Chief Brian Ferrante told the new source, “I have concerns about why he was displaying a loaded firearm in a classroom. We will be looking into that.”

In the state of California, teachers are not legally allowed to have guns in their classrooms even if they hold a concealed carry permit.

Debates on whether to allow teachers to carry firearms on school grounds has sparked a national debate, following the mass shooting at a Florida high school last month. Students and faculty have staged walk outs on Wednesday to raise awareness about gun safety in school.

One Facebook user wrote on the news outlet’s page, “This is clear example why teachers shouldn’t have a gun. Accidents happen, even to people with experience.”

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