Police Hold Press Conference On Missing CDC Employee, Reveal He Was Passed Up for a Promotion

Atlanta police officials have provided new details in the case of missing CDC employee Dr. Timothy Cunningham, who disappeared without a trace nearly two weeks ago.

During a Tuesday press conference, police Major Michael O’Connor provided reporters with an update on their investigation into Cunningham’s mysterious disappearance. The 35-year-old worked as an epidemiologist at the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control before he went missing on Monday, Feb. 12. Family and friends say they have not seen or heard from him since.

O’Connor said authorities have found little evidence pointing to Cunningham’s whereabouts but learned that he’d met with his supervisor the morning of his disappearance to discuss a promotion that he didn’t receive. He was informed the previous Monday that he did not get the promotion, but a full explanation wasn’t given until the 12th, O’Connor said.

The major noted that Cunningham left work shortly afterward saying he didn’t feel well, adding that he called into work sick the previous two days as well. O’Connor said he had no doubt Cunningham was upset over the promotion since the doctor shared those feelings with co-workers.

Police were able to confirm that Cunningham contacted both his mother and sister before his disappearance. Relatives became concerned, however, after being unable to reach him for a few days, prompting his father to drive down from Maryland to check on him.

So far, authorities have found nothing out of the ordinary at Cunningham’s home, O’Connor said, adding that the CDC worker left important items like his wallet, keys, bank cards and even his car all behind. His dog was also found at the home.

A reporter at Tuesday’s press conference inquired into recent claims by a neighbor who said Cunningham made an odd comment to her husband the day he disappeared, telling him to tell her to remove his number from her phone. O’Connor said police had spoken to that neighbor and confirmed that her claims were true.

He also attempted to quell conspiracy theories about Cunningham’s disappearance, noting that the doctor worked in the chronic disease unit and wouldn’t have confidential details on any infectious diseases that could potentially harm the public.

A $10,000 reward is now being offered for details into Cunningham’s disappearance.

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