Pastor Mark Burns Says What He Can Do As a ‘Black Man’ Running For South Carolina House Seat

Mark Burns

Who can forget evangelical pastor Mark Burns, the Trump surrogate who was exposed for lying about his education and military experience during the 2016 election causing him to storm out of a CNN interview. Well, he’s back and is running for South Carolina’s House seat to succeed Rep. Trey Gowdy.

Gowdy recently announced his plans for retirement and doesn’t plan on seeking re-election, however, Burns is looking to fill the representative’s position. He confirmed with “Bloomberg News” that he’ll be running as a Republican and uploaded his first campaign video to YouTube this morning bringing attention to his connections with President Trump.

“We need to combat leftist, liberal ideology that’s dividing our nation. It’s creating dependency. We need to create opportunities over dependency — dependency is what’s plaguing our low-income communities”, the 38 year-old pastor told “Bloomberg”.

Burns also adds that being a Black man would serve as a benefit. “As a Black man, I’m able to say what white politicians cannot say because they don’t want to be labeled a racist.”

The Trump supporter has already began to build a team of experienced political officials and says he expects to be blazed with negative stories throughout the campaign from his opponents.

“Bring it on”, he remarked.

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