FEMA Says It Is Not Cutting Off Aid to Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Power Company

The announcement that Puerto Rico’s governor is moving to privatize the U.S. territory’s public power company has many on the island of 3.3 million people asking whether this will finally bring them more affordable electric bills and more reliable service. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti, File)

HAVANA (AP) — The Federal Emergency Management Agency says it is not cutting off food and water supplies to Puerto Rico despite reports that it intended to do so.

FEMA spokesman William Booher told The Associated Press that the agency has been evaluating whether enough stores and supermarkets reopened by Jan. 31 to justify ending distribution of food and water to municipal governments on the island. He said no decision has been made and officials mistakenly made the date public this week.

Booher said FEMA is in the process of winding down food and water distribution as stores and markets come back online, but he stressed it will continue to distribute aid to needy towns for the foreseeable future.

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