Teen Activist Marlie Dias: ‘Success Is Not Measured By Places You Go … But People You Touch’

Marley Dias at only 13-years-old has become an activist for racial harmony in school and in her community. Dias sits with ‘CBS This Morning’ and talks the problems in her community she hopes to change.

Dias said “The biggest things that disturbs me is these social structures and these infrastructures in schools and in our communities that are pushing away from this intersectionality of being a black person, a woman, and a girl. And they’re not including all of us.”

The young activist also spoke to CBS about how her friends maintain respect for each other and their background. Dias said she has a diverse group of friends and they are very open about expressing their feelings to one another. She said, “In school, we just try to be open with each other… if someone made a joke that wasn’t appropriate, or we say something that wasn’t a educated response to a question.” She goes on to say “We try to keep it loose… not every conversation is going to have perfect knowledge with the things that we say. But we want always stay educated on the things that are happening in our community and the communities that surround us.”

Dias gives some advice to aspiring activists and says “Its not about the places you go and the materialistic things but the people that you touch.”


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