Authentic Southern Buttermilk Fried Chicken Recipe

Authentic Southern Buttermilk Fried Chicken

As someone who’s lived all over the south, with family roots deep in Georgia, I know I have the secret to the juiciest, most flavorful, amazingly crispy, southern buttermilk deep-fried chicken.

Find the full recipe for this delicious dish at Sweet Tea & Thyme. Meet the Blogger below!

Black food blogger

Britt of Sweet Tea & Thyme

I’m a navy vet and spouse turned stay-at-home mom and food blogger. My blog started when all my friends were leaving college and leaving home to start lives as adults but didn’t know how to cook, so I set up a blog with recipes that are easy and from-scratch for them to use for reference; because as millennials, especially when you have a family, convenience foods can conveniently drain your wallet. Why buy a $4 loaf of bread when you can make 10 loaves of bread for the same price, you know? My family has traveled all across the South, from Texas to Maryland, and now home in Miami, FL, so my cooking represents the multicultural differences in my life. My recipes are easy to make, homemade, and they always come from the heart.

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