Singer Jamelia Just Wants More Black Dolls In UK Stores; Misguided Critics Call Her Racist

Singer Jamelia has long been outspoken about race-related issues and her questioning the lack of Black dolls in UK toy stores led to some accusing her of being racist.

The 36-year-old mother of two explored why there are so few non-white dolls available in the $4.27-billion UK toy industry.

“There may be, like, one Black doll on the shelf so, if it happens to be a Black one, [then] ‘Yes, I’ve got one!’ ” Deena Shayaam-Smith tells Jamelia on “This Morning” Wednesday, May 3.

“If they’re not seeing people that look like them achieve great things, they’re not gonna think they can do it,” Shayaam-Smith says.

Elsewhere in the segment, Jamelia visited stores and discovered non-white dolls, when available, were pushed toward the back of the shelf and out of sight, according to the Daily Mail.

Several watchers blasted Jamelia for the probe.

Still, many viewers had similar problems with finding Black dolls for their children.

Several questioned the idea that Jamelia is racist.

A couple of people the pointed to the independent creation of Black doll lines.

Jamelia responded to the on going debate Friday, vowing to continue to push for diversity and inclusion.

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