(emPowered by Beauty)
1. Learning New Skills Leads to Employment and Self-Sufficiency
We teach women in low-income areas and underdeveloped nations new skills that provide additional employment and business opportunities. Learning to be a makeup artist or stylist has relatively low overhead costs, you can make your own work hours and you have the opportunity to build a clientele in a growth market. Growing a business creates a passion and drive that benefits one’s outlook and builds a sense of pride for being able to provide for one’s family. When you uplift and empower women, you uplift and empower the world!
2. Using Healthy, Natural, Organic Products Protects the Customers’ Faces and the Earth
emPowered by Beauty encourages our new makeup artists
(emPowered by Beauty)
3. We Train Women In Places Where the Demand Is Growing for Makeup Artists
In Ghana, Panama and Cuba, there is a growing film industry and business class that is demanding products that industrialized nations take for granted. By training to be makeup artists, these women are now in a position to create a secondary market for large enterprises. Much the way restaurants prosper when new industries relocate, makeup artists are able to take on new work in expanded markets created by growth industries. We create a path for local artists to take advantage of new growth opportunities.
(emPowered by Beauty)
4. We Are Not Just Creating Jobs, We Are Building Businesses and Careers
emPowered by Beauty is creating a network of women
(emPowered by Beauty)
5. Learning to Care for Others Often Inspires Self-Care
As we teach women how to become makeup artists, they also will are likely to engage in more self-care. Woman who once had no real reason to care about their outward appearance begin to take more pride in both how they look on the outside and more care about how they feel on the inside. As our artists provide their makeup and beauty services, they encourage women to look after themselves in a more holistic way. Our makeup artists gain confidence in their abilities and also begin to see themselves as a beautiful canvas that allows for expression and change.
Jessica Carter is a celebrity makeup artist who has a world-changing project called “emPowered by Beauty.” The project teaches women living primarily in urban areas of Accra, Panama City and Toronto all the skills necessary to become makeup artists and also how to create natural skin care products made with local direct-trade ingredients. The skin care products are then sold both locally and internationally with all net proceeds reinvested directly into the women’s programs. The women are further assisted with promotional help, entrepreneur training and apprenticeships. The results help our participants become emPowered economically! Please help support us with a donation.