Ted Cruz Comes to Jeff Sessions Defense: ‘Democrats are the Party of the KKK’

Sen. Ted Cruz defended newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions after Democrats used a 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King to discredit the Alabama senator’s record.

Cruz went on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” Wednesday, Feb. 8 to accuse Democrats of being the real racists after Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other Senate Democrats attempted to derail Jeff Sessions’ confirmation by reminding their peers of his alleged previous racial incidents.

“The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan,” he says. “The Dixiecrats, they were Democrats who imposed segregation, who imposed Jim Crow laws, WHO FOUNDED the Klan. The Klan was founded by a great many Democrats …”

While trying to read King’s letter condemning Sessions when he was nominated for a federal judge seat in 1986, Warren was silenced by majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell. The hashtag #LetLizSpeak quickly spread across Twitter yesterday in defense of Warren.

The Texas senator and former 2016 presidential candidate said that the backlash Sessions faced is unfounded because he is an “honorable decent person.”

“When the left doesn’t have any other arguments they go and accuse everyone of being a racist,” Cruz opines.

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