White Maine Homeowner Draws Heavy Criticism After Erecting a ‘Black Rifles Matter’ Sign

A Boothbay Harbor, Maine resident is under fire for erecting a “Black Rifles Matter” sign on his property in early September.

NECN reports that homeowner Linc Sample created the sign after a local newspaper printed an ad in support of an assault rifle ban.

“That’s really a trigger for me — the assault weapons ban,” Sample tells reporters.

However, his sign has rubbed visitors passing by the large sign the wrong way. Many have noticed the similarities to the Black Lives Matter slogan.

Some believe the sign is a slight against the movement and protestors.

“If anything, they should be flattered I used the phrase,” says Sample.

City officials have considered the complaints of motorists.

But they say Sample has taken all legal measures and there is nothing they can do about the sign.

Twitter users are mixed about the sign and its pro-gun message. Some have come out against Sample for co-opting the BLM slogan.


User Calvin Lancaster pokes fun at the racist rhetoric thrown at the Black Lives Matter movement for not commenting on “Black-on-Black” crime.



This user believes the Black Lives Matter movement has not created positive change in the nation. However, he believes guns have.


Twitter user Liza Perkins has had enough. She thinks the slogan is complete hokum.


Petey Roblowe does not want to travel to Maine anytime soon.


Furthermore, Scott in SC says the sign is in the same spirit as San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest.


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