Erica Garner’s statement that Black people “have to yell and become belligerent to have our voices heard” has spurred a noteworthy hashtag. #LoudBlackGirl was launched by Feminista Jones, who was inspired in part by Garner’s remarks at Thursday night’s town hall meeting with President Barack Obama.
At the ABC-hosted meeting, Garner hollered at producers before storming out. She later revealed on Instagram the network did not give her the chance to ask about the federal investigation into her father Eric’s death. Garner was able to speak with the president after the meeting, according to her Instagram page.
In response, Jones, a social working activist, shared a long series of tweets in which she gave examples of why Black women should feel empowered to use their voice.
She pointed to Maya Angelou, who used her writing to be a loud black girl.
And noted the negative media portrayals and societal stress that stops Black women from speaking up.
After posting many more examples, Jones encouraged followers to share how they “found their individual voice.” Then she shared a set of old tweets containing the hashtag that bashed Black women.
Many stood up to the plate to reclaim #LoudBlackGirls.
A user by the name of Sleep Evaded vowed not to stifle her voice just so she won’t be labeled as an “angry Black woman.”
I will not suppress my voice for fear of being labeled as the "angry black woman". #LoudBlackGirls
— GrandLady and Tati (@BlHistoryQueen) July 15, 2016
J.Nicole had similar remarks, saying stereotypes won’t get in the way of “getting my point across.”
Jazmin realized she needed to stop dismissing her sister’s emotions.
Had to correct myself in the past when telling my sister her emotions were over the top. Not realizing it was said to me. #Loudblackgirls
— Wallfacer Jazmin (@JazminsThoughts) July 15, 2016
@Steph_I_Will credited her son for helping her find her voice. It ultimately led her to start a podcast.
It wasn't until having my son that I found my voice. Started a blog and finally a podcast #LoudBlackGirls
— well, sorta kinda (@Steph_I_Will) July 15, 2016
Jazerai Allen-Lord, a footwear editor and commentator, said for years people have told her she was too talkative. Now she makes a living by doing so.
people have been telling me i laugh 2 loud + talk too much for years. now they cut the check for it. #loudblackgirls
— Jazerai Allen-Lord (@jazzyrae) July 15, 2016
Nyasha Junior pointed out #LoudBlackGirls was not just about vocalizing feelings but Black women’s appearances, too.