Baltimore Cops Drag Black Teen from Home After He Rightfully Requests a Warrant

On April 16, a white police officer in Baltimore violently dragged a Black teen out of his home – and it was all caught on video. A local news station reports on the incident and speaks to 18-year-old Tionne Jones’ mother, India Epps. She says the video was “heartbreaking.”

Antonio McLaurin, Jones’ cousin who also lives at the home, filmed the encounter. Jones is seen telling a Black officer he cannot enter their home without a search warrant. A white cop then pulls Jones from his home and throws him onto the ground. McLaurin says he thought it was going to be “another Freddie Gray situation.”

The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland says the video suggests a wrongful arrest and the men were in their rights to ask for a warrant. The Baltimore police are investigating the video’s circumstances.

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