Canada’s York University Adds Jamaican Creole Course, Only School Outside the Island to Offer Such a Class

York University in CanadaWhile even some Jamaicans frown at it, there are individuals across the world who embrace the Jamaican Creole.

York University in Canada is one institution that gives students the opportunity to learn the basic skills and understanding of the culture of patois by offering the course, Jamaican Creole.

Dr. Michele Johnson, who was born in Jamaica and coordinates the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program at York, made the course possible.

This came after she responded to students who had to study a language outside of English. The only other languages that were offered were Spanish, French and Portuguese, and students wanted Creole as well.

Johnson contacted Hubert Devonish of the University of the West Indies, Mona and the course was designed.

The course is being taught by Jamaican lecturer Clive Forrester, who suggested an additional component that involves a summer in Jamaica learning about the language and culture.

York is the only academic institution outside Jamaica that offers courses in Jamaican Creole.


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