SuperGeeks Fills Tech Repair Void in Nigeria

Co-founder Sam Uduma

Co-founder Sam Uduma

According to CNN, Nigeria is one of the largest tech users on the African continent. When people need their devices fixed, they’re often forced to go to tiny, unofficial markets and shops that often overcharge or ruin their technology.

Enter SuperGeeks. The repair company created by Sam Uduma and Edmund Olotu last year is based in Lagos, Nigeria.

“The average Nigerian has two mobile phones, a tablet and a computer,” explains Olotu, 33, noting there’s a surging need for technology repair shops.

The business partners had the intention of creating a more formal repair space and also creating jobs for locals by tapping into the booming Nigerian tech industry.

Co-founder Edmund Olotu

Co-founder Edmund Olotu

Prior to launching SuperGeeks Olotu and Udama created the technology incubator, TechAdvance, My Merchant Services Match, an online platform that allows business owners to find business accounts that match their needs. They also founded GenerateForSchools, a company that helps schools with their debit card processing platform. Additionally, they founded G-Pay Instant Solutions Ltd, which allows users to pay for universities and electricity utilities.

These companies have been successful in the United States and in Nigeria, making the two entrepreneurial powerhouses. Their newest venture, SuperGeeks, employs 20 people and provides a training academy for device repairers.  Currently, the primary focus is on personal devices but there are plans to later include services for companies as well.

For information about the company, visit their website.


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