U.S. and Cuba’s Restored Diplomatic Relations Stirs Up the Caribbean Tourism Community

IMG_5931-e1436822281572After July 20 when the United States and Cuba restore diplomatic relations and open respective embassies, pressure will undoubtedly build to lift other restrictions. And this has stirred up the Caribbean tourism community.

In a recent position paper, The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association called U.S. citizens’ new opportunities to visit Cuba “the biggest and most disruptive pebble to be dropped into the Caribbean pool in 50 years.” Rather than lose visitors, Caribbean countries plan to work together with Cuba to increase tourism in the region. Ideas include improved marketing, dual destination visits, breaking down barriers to cost and ease of travel, sharing best practices, and using tourism as an economic development tool.

To achieve this goal, the CHTA has proposed creating a Caribbean Basin Tourism Initiative focusing on tourism “to strengthen the region’s economies and stimulate trade and investments within the Caribbean and with the United States.” This will require Congressional approval, and a response from Cuba.

Read more at forbes.com

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