When protests swept through the streets of cities like Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore following the deaths of unarmed Black citizens, there was an incredible amount of focus being placed on the damage being done to car and building windows. News outlets referred to residents as “animals” and “senseless” without acknowledging the deeply rooted issues in such communities that caused tensions to boil in the first place. For one Baltimore teen who smashed a police car window with a traffic cone, he is now facing a possible life sentence after turning himself in to authorities, The Guardian revealed.
Police Dogs
While it seems nearly impossible for a police officer to spend time behind bars for killing an unarmed Black boy, killing a police dog will land you behind bars for decades. A 17-year-old boy by the name of Ivins Rosier was tried as an adult after fatally shooting a police dog. He was 16 at the time of the incident, the Daily Mail reports, and has been sentenced to 23 years in jail.