De La Soul Obliterates Kickstarter Goal in One Day as Thousands of Fans Support Their Mission to Remain Independent Creatives

delasouldelasoulOn March 30, news broke that the legendary hip-hop trio De La Soul would join a growing list of musicians funding major projects through Kickstarter in order to break away from industry restraints. Before March 31 even came to a close, the group had already surpassed its $110,000 goal—thanks to the help of more than 3,000 fans.

Even people with the most basic understanding of the music business know that getting funding for new albums or other projects can often force artists to chip away at their creative freedoms. The more industry money that goes into the pot, the more industry opinions go into the project.

It’s the nature of the business.

That’s why music greats like TLC and now De La Soul have turned to crowdfunding efforts to get the financial backing they need for upcoming albums.

It not only allows the artists to create freely, but it also gives them an idea of just how great the demand is for their music.

In De La Soul’s case, the fans have an insatiable thirst for more of the group’s unique, multiple genre-fusing sounds.

On Monday, it was revealed that De La Soul would turn to Kickstarter to raise money for their upcoming album “And the Anonymous Nobody.”

“For the last decade, we’ve been independent artists, free of a record label interfering in our creative process,” the group’s Kickstarter page explains. “This will be our first De La Soul studio album in eleven years. We’re excited and ready to create. It’s been essential that we find ways to fund, record and release new music.”

The page continues to note the value the group places on their loyal fans who “support and appreciate” their vision every day.

“We see Kickstarter as a home for creative minds and a wonderful platform; where people who believe, respect and see the vision, can support an idea and make it a reality,” the page adds. “True to our Hip-Hop roots, we make music without limits. This new album will incorporate elements of Jazz, Funk, Rock, Country Western and anything else we’re feeling in the moment.”

The group will start recording the boundary-pushing album in Atlanta this April, according to Rolling Stone, but it’s a start date that may not have been possible without the overwhelming amount of support from the public.

The dollar amount garnered from the Kickstarter campaign has been on a steady rise, quickly approaching the $200,000 mark.

de-la-soul-performing-650-430As of Tuesday afternoon, the campaign had raised $193,664 from 3,101 backers.

The group still has until May 2 to continue raising money for “recording, mixing, marketing, and everything else.”

The project also boasts a diverse set of collaborators, including hip-hop star 2 Chainz, Gorillaz’s Damon Albarn and Swedish electronic music band Little Dragon.

Samples will, of course, play a major role in the creative efforts with a firm foundation rooted in music provided by The Rhythm Roots All-Stars.

Based on the group’s intended message behind the album, the Kickstarter campaign and extensive list of creative partners only seems fitting.

“‘And the Anonymous Nobody’ really plays on two ideas,” the group told Rolling Stone. “No egos, no seniority, no bosses, just a group of equal ‘nobodies’ working towards one goal: making music. Second, there’s always a silent champion or brave individual — a ‘nobody’ — that steps in and saves the day. The person that steps in and stands for something. Something bigger that him … and makes a change. ‘Nobody can save the day!’ Well he sure can! We are those nobodies. … stepping in, standing for something and hopefully making a change.”

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