10 of Stuart Scott’s Most Memorable, Clever Catch Phrases

On television, Stuart Scott represented Black people’s creativity, soul, mind, humor, style and overall culture. That’s part of the legacy he leaves behind as an ESPN personality—a quick-witted, clever, smart and engaging broadcaster who made you smile as you watched sports highlights, using everything from pop culture to street slang to get across the point in an entertaining way. Not everyone can do that. Only a few can, in fact. Scott might have been the best at it. Here are 10 of his on-air catch phrases that made you smile.

Stuart Scott - SportsCenter“You Ain’t Gotta Go Home, But You Gotta Get The Heck Outta Here”

Anyone who has partied at a nightclub has heard the deejay, near the end of the event, use that expression. No one heard it on television until Scott used it to describe a buzzer beater or strike out in baseball.

Screen-Shot-2015-01-04-at-10.44.58-AM“See, what had happened was. . . “

Hilarious. Ever try to awkwardly explain to someone an error in that way? Sure, you have. Scott came with it when a player made a particularly glaring mistake. The humor of it lightened the magnitude of the miscue.


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