Ferguson Case Just Gets Worse; Witness Who Corroborated Wilson’s Story Has Racist, Dishonest History With Police

Ferguson prosecutor One Ferguson witness that corroborated police officer Darren Wilson’s story during her testimony in front of the grand jury in the Michael Brown case has a troubling history of being racist and dishonest with police and has many believing that she didn’t even see the shooting.

It was back in August that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown and one woman claimed she saw everything.

She also claimed that Wilson’s side of the story was absolutely accurate.

Many conservative media outlets clung to this woman’s testimony as proof that Wilson was simply doing his job when he shot Brown at least six times.

Now, it turns out, she may have been lying about everything.

“The grand jury witness who testified that she saw Michael Brown pummel a cop before charging at him ‘like a football player, head down,’ is a troubled, bipolar Missouri woman with a criminal past who has a history of making racist remarks and once insinuated herself into another high-profile St. Louis criminal case with claims that police eventually dismissed as ‘complete fabrication,’” the Smoking Gun reported.

Despite this troubling past, she was still allowed to testify in front of the grand jury that ultimately decided Wilson should not be indicted in Brown’s death.

The Smoking Gun even described the woman’s testimony as “preposterous and perjurious.”

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch appears to have presented conflicting testimonies to the grand jury that former prosecutor Sunny Hostin said helped get Wilson off the hook.

“The prosecutors didn’t want to indict,” she said during an appearance on CNN. “That’s why they conducted it that way.”

It’s no secret that prosecutors share a close relationship with officers , which has become a key topic of discussion in the midst of the non-indictments for officers who have killed unarmed Black people.

Many legal experts say that when it comes down it, prosecutors know how to present a case to get what they want—and most prosecutors want to protect officers at all cost. This has resulted in a push for independent prosecutors to take over in cases where an officer has been accused of excessive use of force.


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