Chick-Fil-A Manager Bans Employees’ Use of Slang Associated with Black Youth

ABS_Chik-fil-AAn Atlanta Chick-fil-A manager distributed a list of banned phrases or slang to employees, stressing they not use them while at work.

The typed memo by the manager known only as “Eric,” opens with:  “You will speak properly when you walk through these doors.”

The list included words or dialect associated with Black youth.

It listed forbidden words or phrases like “bae” or “on fleek.” It also said: 0-100. Every number in between is acceptable.”

Not acceptable was “3Hunnid”  or “anything with ‘or naw.’ ”

The list goes on to ban other popular terms and phrases such as “Chill” and “Turn Up.” The manager also put a ban on how the word “barely” is pronounced. “Say it without the weird sounds.”

He threatens employees’ meals if they scratched out one of the banned words on his list.

One of the employees posted a picture of the list to Reddit with the title, “I work at Chick-Fil-A and Eric, our manager, is tired of our s***.”

Here is the full list.

ABS_Chik-fil-A slang ban

According to the New York Daily News,  Chik-fil-A looked into the situation yesterday. The Chik-fil-A cows tweeted in response to the banned words.

The popular chicken restaurant is known for its conservative stances. Not only is the restaurant closed nationwide on Sundays, but its values have at times caused criticism. The company drew heavy criticism in 2012 when the late Dan Cathy, president and CEO of Chick-fil-A, announced his stance opposing gay marriage. The announcement led to protests by gay rights organizations and advocates.

Founded in College Park, just outside of Atlanta, Chick-fil-A has more than 1,700 branches across the U.S.

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