Jamaica Now Home to World’s Largest Wind-Solar Hybrid Array

Generating renewable electricity at home or in commercial buildings is becoming increasingly viable. WindStream Technologies has installed what it says is the world’s largest wind-solar hybrid array on an office roof in Kingston, Jamaica. The array is expected to generate over 106,000 kilowatt hours annually.

The increasing trends toward renewable and distributed energy generation are reflected by other recent “world’s largest” projects. In January, the world’s largest solar bridge was completed in London, the world’s largest solar-thermal plant became fully operational the following month, and Jaguar finished installing the world’s largest rooftop solar array in April.

WindStream Technologies produces wind and sun generation equipment aimed at municipalities, commercial buildings and homeowners. It was successful in competing for the contract, tendered by law firm Myers, Fletcher & Gordon, having been able to demonstrate an ability to maximize energy production and return on investment, whilst working with limited roof space.

The installation incorporates 50 of WindStream’s SolarMill devices. The various SolarMill models each comprise one or more solar panels and three or more turbines. As explained on the WindStream website, “The daily and seasonal trends of wind and solar resources are all mitigated by capturing both, at any time of the day or year.”

The array is expected to generate 25kW of wind power and 55kW of solar power. Windstream says it will return its investment within four years and will produce savings of around US$2 million over the course of its estimated 25-year lifespan.

MFG’s installation is a part of an effort by Jamaica’s sole energy provider, Jamaica Public Service, to make the capability for producing renewable energy more widely available. The electricity generated can either be used and stored off-grid or fed back into the grid.


Source gizmag.com

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