Ethiopians, Chinese Collaborate on Aviation Training School in Addis Ababa

7784246008_2feb0405ef_zADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – A private Ethiopian aviation college on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding  with three Chinese institutions to offer aviation education.

“The MoU was signed to offer training in aviation, aeronautical engineering and aircraft design, as well as aircraft maintenance,” Capt. Abera Lemi, president of the National Aviation College, said at a signing ceremony.

Lemi said the MoU – signed with Shenyang Aerospace University, Liaoning Shihua University and Liaoning University’s Institute of International Education – would “help in [China-to-Ethiopia] knowledge transfer.”

“Instructors and students of the two institutions will have the opportunity to share experiences both in Ethiopia and China,” said Lemi, who is also CEO of Ethiopian National Airways.

Richard Chen, representative of Shenyang Aerospace University, described the MoU as a “big opportunity” for Ethiopia.

“We have now become one family and will work jointly in training students,” he said.

Established one year ago, Ethiopia’s National Aviation College, in collaboration with the International Airlines Transport Association, offers training in ticketing and reservations, along with cargo and airport operations.


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