11 Celebrities With Absurd Child Support Payment Besides Halle Berry

Actress Halle Berry: $16,000 a month

On May 30, 2014, actress Halle Berry was ordered by a family judge to pay ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry $16,000 a month or nearly $200,000 a year to support their daughter. The Oscar-winning actress will also pay for their daughter’s tuition, but the former couple will split health care expenses.

The order also calls for Berry to make a retroactive payment of $115,000 and $300,000  to her ex-boyfriend for his attorneys’ costs in their custody dispute.

Berry and Aubry, a model, were involved in a custody dispute in 2012, when a judge blocked her from moving their daughter to France and ordered her to pay $20,000 in child support, according to TMZ.


eddie murphy daughterActor Eddie Murphy: $51,000 a month

After giving birth in April 2007 to a baby girl, former Spice Girl Mel B, or Melanie Brown, contended that actor Eddie Murphy was the child’s father.

At first Murphy denied paternity but then agreed to a DNA test that revealed he was the father of Angel Iris Murphy Brown.

The Tower Heist actor was ordered to pay $51,000 a month to Mel B for the care of  their daughter. The child support is scheduled to continue until Angel turns 18.

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