Breakfast Beef? Taco Bell Uses ‘Ronald McDonald’ In New Ads


A bunch of guys named Ronald McDonald gushing about Taco Bell’s new breakfast, with bacon, sausage and eggs, wrapped in a waffle and dripping with syrup?

Bring it. That seems to be the response from McDonald’s, which might just be taking the yellow gloves off in a brewing breakfast war. The place with the golden arches late Thursday announced an offer for free McCafe coffee in a first-ever national Free Coffee Event. The coffee giveaway kicks off this Monday and runs until April 13, during breakfast hours at participating restaurants.

To kick off the event, McDonald’s will host “Make Friends with McCafe” sampling events at “high-traffic locations and transportation hubs in multiple cities across the country.” Ah-ha…Chicago, you’re in, Boise, maybe not so much.

And that’s not all: Busy commuters will also be treated to “live musical performances, spontaneous comedy experiences and more.”

Tearing a page out of the social media playbook , McDonald’s also says it’ll surprise a @McCafe Twitter follower every day this year with McCafe coffee and prizes.

While some were tweeting about cholesterol and other unpleasant aspects of those breakfast treats, Brian Niccol, the president of Taco Bell, had this to say to Bloomberg: “All our food is made fresh to order, the thing that’s great about our food is also very customized…If you just get egg in the waffle it’s less than 250 calories.”

Hard to say who’s going to win this war when the ‘Twitterverse’ can’t stop gushing about Taco Bell breakfasts.


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