Herbs to Help Fight Influenza

Healing Herbs

Experts debate about the effectiveness of using herbal medicines in preventing influenza and other kinds of diseases because of a lack of evidence. However, others have no doubts about their efficacy. The fact remains that some herbs possess qualities that help the body become strong enough to fight off sickness. But it is important to consult with a medical professional before taking any herbal medicines.


There are certain characteristics of garlic that make it effective at enhancing white blood cells, which are the body’s first defense against many infections and illnesses. A research study published on the capabilities of garlic  was included in the Journal of the National Medical Association. The study was initiated by Dr. Tariq Abdullah.

According to Abdullah, garlic’s efficacy is proven at the onset of the flu. It can be taken with honey and chewed in cloves. This way of consuming it helps with easy absorption. The fumes from garlic can make their way through the sinuses, while swallowing it can be beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract.


This is another popular herbal remedy. It is well regarded for its ability to enhance the immune system. It also has unique properties that can help ease pain and inflammation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. There are supplements on the market now that are made from dried echinacea. Certain precautions should be observed, however, when consuming this herb, especially for people who are taking immuno-suppressant medication. To avoid risks and reap only the benefits, the advice of a specialist should be sought.

Slippery elm

This herb also has positive effects to the immune system. It specifically works to protect any damaged tissue. Slippery elm can also protect the esophagus, stomach, intestine lining and throat.


This is another effective herbal medicine that works well in flu cases where the respiratory tract is compromised. It helps relieve muscle pain and sore throats and effectively lowers fever. Elderberry has long been considered a stimulant for the immune system and its extract should be taken as soon as the first symptoms of sickness are experienced.


Eucalyptus is effective at treating coughs. It can also help relieve the common symptoms of cold and flu. The fresh leaves of Eucalyptus can either be used as a tea, or gargled to relieve pain in the throat. It can also be applied as an ointment for relief.

There are other medicinal herbs that help the human body fight off sicknesses such as influenza. But since they  may interfere with other medications, individuals are reminded against self-medicating. Health is at stake, so proper consultation with a specialist is critical.

Read more: Natural News

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