11 Scholarships For Black Students Around The World With January Deadlines

This year alone, approximately $50 billion will be given away in scholarships for Black students around the world. But surprisingly, thousands of dollars worth of scholarships go unclaimed every year because no one applies for them.

Some of this money could be yours, but many of these programs have deadlines that are fast-approaching.

Here are 11 scholarships with deadlines in January:




Havana Healing: Castro’s Minority Scholarship Plan is open to students in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the United States. Recruits must be high school graduates younger than 26. They will receive free medical education and training, plus free textbooks and room and board. Beneficiaries would have to return to their communities to practice medicine after being trained in Cuba. Students should register for the program by spring.

Black ScholarshipsThe Tom Joyner Foundation “Full Ride” Scholarship awards a full scholarship to one student to attend a Historically Black College and University (HBCU).

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