17 Most Racist Moments of 2013

Twitter Reactions To Jamie Foxx’s Trayvon Martin T-Shirt

Twitter Reaction to Jamie Foxx’s Trayvon Martin T-Shirt 

Actor Jamie Foxx has always been an avid supporter of  the family of slain Florida teenager, Trayvon Martin. He decided to wear a shirt featuring Martin and the Sandy Hook shooting victims to the MTV Movie Awards in April. The backlash he received via social media after his appearance could be perceived as racist.


Paula Deen Wants Slaves Serving At Her Dinner Party

Paula Deen Wants Slaves Serving at Her Dinner Party 

Celebrity chef Paula Deen was recorded in a court deposition held in May saying that she wanted Black men to play the role of slaves.

When asked if she wanted Black men to serve as slaves at a wedding she explained she got the idea from a restaurant her husband and she had dined at saying, “The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie.

“I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in Americaafter the Civil War, during the Civil War, before the Civil WarIt was not only black men, it was black womenI would say they were slaves.”


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