Naomie Harris Steams Up Esquire Magazine

naomie 4Actress Naomie Harris may be playing freedom fighter Winnie Mandela in the film “Long Walk to Freedom,” but for Esquire magazine’s January issue she tapped into her Bond girl for a sexy, revealing photo spread.

In a snippet provided from the interview, Harris, whose wardrobe was simplified to lingerie and a blazer or skirt, revealed she was the one who began the rumors about  her “Long Walk to Freedom” costar Idris Elba starring in the next Bond film.

“A journalist once asked me, ‘Who do you think is going to be the next Bond?’ I said, ‘I’ve just finished working with Idris so, if I had the chance, I would vote for him.'”

“The next thing there were headlines going: Naomie Harris says Idris Elba to be the next Bond.’ And Idris has had to live with that ever since. Now, nearly every time he does an interview, he gets asked about it.”

Harris said that winning over Nelson Mandela’s former wife Winnie’s praise for her portrayal in the biopic was crucial to completing her job.

“She loved it. I was over the moon — she was the one critic I was really scared of. But she’s seen it, she likes it, my job is done.”

See more pics of the talented and beautiful actress below:

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